Montessori education and art are closely related, as the Montessori method uses art as a tool for the cognitive, emotional and social development of children. In the Montessori method, art is not taught as a separate subject, but as an integral part of education.

Art materials are used to develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity. Children learn through exploration and experimentation, and can create works of art that reflect their own creativity and imagination. In this sense, art is a tool for the development of personal expression and self-expression.

In addition, art is used in the Montessori method to teach other subjects. For example, children can learn geometry through the creation of patterns and designs, as is the case in our Fun Math Course, where children learn the five Platonic solids, which are the basic figures of geometry with origami patterns taught in some advanced schools in Japan.

Or they can learn about different cultures and societies through the creation of artifacts and artwork that represent those cultures. This is the case of the A Memory for life Course, where children learn the Japanese technique of Kumihimo which is still used today for traditional items such as kimonos as well as decorative use, accessories, etc.

Or as in 101 Creative Projects Course, where we teach many projects such as IKIGAI, KINTSUGI and values that Japanese culture brings us as Wabi Sabi, Kokoro wo komete …etc.


The Montessori method also values beauty and aesthetics, and decorating the learning environment is considered an educational tool. Montessori environments are usually carefully prepared to be attractive and inviting, with furniture and materials carefully selected and attractively arranged to stimulate learning and creativity.

In short, art is an integral part of Montessori education and is used as a tool for the cognitive, emotional and social development of children. Art materials are used to develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and manual dexterity, and are used to teach other subjects. In addition, art is valued for its beauty and aesthetics, and is used in decorating the learning environment to stimulate learning and creativity.
