From dystopia to freedom. Building bridges. With the special collaboration of Sonia G Caballero, in the provision of images for Manuel López’s talk.

In which other prestigious speakers will also participate such as Emilio Carrilo, Robert Kennedy Jr, Cristina Martín Jimenez, Vicente Marcos, Robinson Devia, Carmen Jimenez Huertas, Alfonso Longo, Mansour Mohammadian, Ana Isabel Martínez, José Alfonso Delgado…

From the 2nd to the 26th of November, a global event will take place that will create a bridge between the current human dystopia and freedom.

A congress with some of the most influential people who work every day to try to get as many human beings as possible to abandon dystopia and join in the construction of this bridge to freedom.






You can download a FREE sample of KOTODAMA言霊 here .


HELD: 2nd to 26th November 2021

FORMAT: On-Line Congress

REGISTRATION: Free of charge on the website  https://sociedaddistopica.com/


+ Tuesday 2: Dissemination among participants of the videos of the thematic area Culture and Education.

SPEAKERS: Noemi Paymal, Lic. Sebastián Schneider, Ricardo A. Grinszpun


+Thursday 4: Idem. videos Politics.

SPEAKERS: Robinson Devia, Carmen Jimenez Huertas, Alfonso Longo


+ Saturday 6: Idem. videos Health.

SPEAKERS: Robert Kennedy Jr, Karmelo Bizkarra, Sergio Quiroga


+ Monday 8: Idem. videos Ecology.

SPEAKERS: Fernando Valladares, Alfonso Soria, Beatriz Calvo


+ Wednesday 10: Idem. videos Economics, Emilio Carrillo, Cristina Martín Jimenez, Vicente Marcos


+ Friday 12: Idem. videos Spirituality.

SPEAKERS: Mansour Mohammadian, Ana Isabel Martínez, José Alfonso Delgado


+ Monday 15: Idem. Technology videos.

SPEAKERS: Carlos Blanco, Ramón López de Mántaras, Manuel López


+ Wednesday 17: Idem. videos Society.

SPEAKERS: Miklos Lucaks, Joan Melé, Martín Gonzalez, Manuel López


+ Monday 22: Broadcasting video Round table of thematic coordinators


+ Friday 26th: Dissemination of video Conclusions of the Congress by Emilio Carrillo.


THEMATIC COORDINATORS: Culture and Education (Ricardo Grinszpun), Politics (Martín González), Health (Sergio Quiroga Morla), Ecology (Manuel López), Economy (Vicente Marcos), Spirituality (José Alfonso Delgado). Technologies (Ricardo M. Grinszpun and M. López), Society (Martín González and M. López).




For a better and more conscious world